Swords and sandals 4 not
Swords and sandals 4 not


The tavern remodelled and adjusted their tables and booths to account for even more privacy and turned rented rooms for sleep into personal havens for those willing to spend an extra few coin for their own dedicated room. So instead of shutting down the tavern or reprimanding young sailors for their desire for love, Adinai turned her tavern into a brothel and changed the name to Swords and Sandals. However, because of the protests, she was losing a significant amount of income and if it continued, she would be forced to close the tavern entirely. She refused to punish those who were caught having sexual affairs with others and even went out of her way to protect those from the ridicule of such actions. Being a part of a family who's main focus has always been the sea, and her husband being a sailor himself, she understood the plights of men and the occasional woman who yearns for love after many days out at sea. Adinai Irdis, the founder and owner of the Sandals and Mugs, refused to give in.


Taverns across the city started to have more sexual activity than the general population would have liked, so people banded together and protested the Sandals and Mugs, telling them to crack down on the sailors or to close up shop. However, the reputation of the tavern's explicit activities was highly frowned upon by Avakaron as a whole, especially by other taverns and inns who claimed that their consistent lack of discipline a punishment for "public displays of affection" were tarnishing their own reputations. Again, because of the number of sailors that would come in to drink a few pints and then find companionship among the tables, they had no worries of bankruptcy.

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This was both a good and a bad thing for Sandals.

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The seats and booths were placed in such a way that gave much more privacy than other taverns when talking one on one, so sailors were often caught pleasuring each other inside these booths. The Sandals and Mugs made good money from its frequent occupants of lonely sailors, despite its cheap pricing, but it also grew in reputation for being a good place to "catch a swordfish" since many sailors who had no families of their own found good company amongst each other. The two-story establishment was originally a tavern bar called Sandals and Mugs that was very popular among sailors for it's close proximity to the docks as well as it's extremely cheap liquor. Not only the first of it's kind, the Swords and Sandals was also the very first brothel overall to be established in Avakaron. Twenty years into a new century, and the sword and sandal film genre has already taken some interesting turns.The Swords and Sandals is a male-dominated brothel that's set just off the docks of Avakaron, not far from the primary piers.

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Contemporary sword and sandal movies have many of the same possibilities, as fantasy films do, giving the genre a generous fan base. Anything that uses an ancient setting, perhaps with a touch of mythology or a reference from an ancient story, can be a part of the genre these days. Peplum flicks today don't have to take place in ancient Greece or Rome. RELATED: Top 10 Historical Dramas About The Enlightenment The 21st century still includes the epic Biblical retellings that defined the genre in the Golden Age of Hollywood, but the era also adopted some interesting new crossovers, settings, and interpretations.


Now, the term is "sword and sandal," since this type of movie has expanded in scope to include some interesting modern ideas. Who says you can't teach old film genres new tricks? Back in the day, this type of movie was called a "peplum flick," a reference to the metal skirts that Roman soldiers wore.

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